Media Release: Wed 6 March 2024
Nuclear power is unwelcome and unnecessary in WA said Nuclear Free WA after reports of Muja and Collie being potential nuclear power sites in WA have emerged in the soon to be released federal Coalition energy policy.
“Every inquiry into nuclear power in Australia over the last decade has concluded that traditional nuclear power reactors are uneconomic and unwanted” said Mia Pepper NFWA co-convenor.
Globally nuclear power is in decline with ageing reactors due for decommissioning, reactors forced to remain idle due to conflict or the realities and new risks from climate change. The nuclear industry is running to stand still, this is not a credible climate solution for Australia.”
“The latest CSIRO Gen Cost report shows that Small Modular Nuclear Reactors (SMNR) were by far the most expensive form of energy. SMNR’s are theoretical, they do not exist in operation nor do the factories that are proposed to build them[1]. The CSIRO noted the failed attempts to develop SMNR’s in the US.”
“If the Coalition were serious about climate change they would support renewable energy,” said KA Garlick, NFWA Co-convenor. “SMNR’s are still theoretical and simply cannot be developed or delivered in the timeframe needed to decarbonise. SMNR’s would lock us into a fossil fuel future.”
“Whether small or large, nuclear power still have all the same issues of waste generation for which there is still no proven solution globally, there are safety and security risks and nuclear lacks any social license in Australia.”
Nuclear Free WA is a not-for-profit environment organisation working with First Nations communities, health, union, faith and other environment organisation to advocate for the protection of our environment, communities and workers from the threat of the nuclear industry.
For comment:
KA Garlick
Mia Pepper
[1] There are operating small reactors – these are distinctly different from the proposed modular concept of SMNRs which are based on the idea that factory mass produced components would bring down the costs. This has been an ongoing failure with SMNRs always promised to be just a decade away. For the latest on the status of the global nuclear power industry –